The everyday extraordinary

To boldly put my thoughts where they've never been before...on a website for the whole world to see.

Location: Columbus, Ohio

I am a speech therapist and I work for a lovely private practice in Columbus. I have the best family and friends that anyone could ask for!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

"California Love"

I was able to spend last week in lovely southern California with my friend Megan! It was awesome for three primary reasons. 1: I wasn't at work, 2: I got to spend quality time with Megan, 3: I was in southern California. Megan and I had some great when I got to airport in San Diego and told Megan to look for a black suitcase when, in fact, my suite case in navy blue, and Megan accidentally running a red light, and me driving her husband's new Lexus up the 5 in L.A traffic to Santa Monica. Yes, there were good times had by all!! Here are some fun pictures to chronicle my trip!

Megan and I stayed at this little inn in the San Diego suburb of La Jolla (that is pronounced La "hoya" for those of us who don't speak the Spanish). This is what we saw when we stepped out of our door...beautiful!

This is in Cabrillo which is where the first Europeans saw the Pacific ocean! This is the lighthouse they lived in. Sometimes, when the tide would rise, this little hill that the lighthouse was on would become an island and they would be separated from the main land. The rooms in the lighthouse were small, but it would have been worth it for the great view.

This is the great view!

On Tuesday we went to the San Diego Zoo. We saw a ton of cute animals, but this is by far my favorite picture. I call him "chill out panda". He is currently my wall paper on my computer because he reminds me that sometimes you just need to chill out!

This is Mission San Juan Capistrano. There are 24 Spanish missions along the coast of California. This one was founded in 1776. It was beautiful!

These are my feet in the ocean... it was cold!

These are just some of the fun things that Meagn and I did on our tour of southern California! But, now it's back to rest for the wicked right?!


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