The random, the silly, and the just plain weird.
The random:
Yesterday I wrote my first check to the government to start paying back my student loans. The check number...666. Hmmm, what does this say about giving money to the government?
The silly:
One of my co-workers students (1st grader) was telling another kid about corn dogs. The other student wasn't sure if he knew what a corn dog was. So the 1st grader explained it as the following, "you know, you get at it amusement parks or fairs... you get it from the confession stand." No, that is not a typo on my part, the kid actually told the other child that you get a corn dog at a confession stand!!
I was working with one of my clients yesterday and we were playing a game where you had to tell the use of a given object. My client's word was sweater. This is what he told me was the use of a sweater, "you use it to cover your tummy so no one will see it, because if people can see your tummy they will laugh at you."
The just plain weird:
SO, I was in the DMV yesterday to re-new my driver's license and there was this guy infront of my arguing with the worker. I wasn't really paying attention until I caught the phrase, "it's against my religion!" When I tuned into what they were arguing about, the man was making a fuss about having to sign the electronic signature pad. He said to the worker, "haven't you read the book of revelation? This is the mark of the beast. If I sign this, I am signing my soul away to Satan." It wasn't the signing of his name that was the problem, it was that it was electronic. The man proceeded to talk about how when you sign the electronic pads your name goes into some central system where the devil can then access all your information. I wish I could tell you that I am making this up, but I am not. WEIRD!!
good post, kate. unfortunately, concerning "the just plain weird" paragraph, i have a tendency to get wrapped up in the conspiracy of it all. like getting freaked out about credit card usage because "they" could track my whereabouts and purchases. i just have to tell myself to stop thinking about it. however, i have yet to freak about the mark of the beast. that's a good one.
Because of the certain government agency my spouse used to work for, I often foolishly wonder if I'm being followed, listened in on, etc. Sadly, Daniel only exacerbates the issue by telling me that if I think they're listening, they probably are.
Side note: See, I know who made the comment above mine. How come everyone uses cryptic name codes on Ashley's blog?
i can't think of what names you are talking about, because you know them all, i think. but just for clarification:
beans - ashley
tiger - me
peaches - catherine
proprietor - caryn
tbones - tara
tanjo - matty b
proprietor's sister - catherine
daniel TELLS you that "they" are probably watching? that would kill me.
yeah, I could understand worrying about other people having your information, and I have wondered that as well. Especially if I pay a bill online I feel like anyone in the world could know my information, but the last time I checked, the Devil didn't need me to sign my name on an electronic box to get information about me!
Yeah, the mark of the beast stuff: Those are the most bizarre conversations I've ever had (and I just have to laugh at those who bug out on the beast stuff and miss the whole point about actually loving thier neighbor and loving God.
There are some entertaining "prophets" on some of the late night religious chanels who talk about the beast being barcodes (which contain 666 in them), those pet microchip implants, cashless society, etc. It makes me laugh because they said Y2K was supposed to usher it all in.
But yeah, more importantly then all that though is: Happy Birthday Kate!
Be afraid. I currently work for the government agency that knows your information, knows where you live, and knows who else you correspond with and where they live and has their information too.
jim, your comment kept me up all night. and kate, just fyi, for your big birthday, im ordering you a whole buch of corn dogs, confession free.
Yes, confession free corn dogs!! sweet!! Yeah, the government is a scary thing sometimes. Ever since I saw the movie "Enemy of the State", which I believe I watched with you Ash, I will sometimes get the feeling that the government is watching me!
your comment kept me up all night.
You didn't need to tell me. We already had that information.
one of my roommates in college said that she never signs those electronic thingies because somehow people can access that signature and falsify documents. i contend that those electronic signatures don't look enough like my real one for it to work, but hey.
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