The everyday extraordinary

To boldly put my thoughts where they've never been before...on a website for the whole world to see.

Location: Columbus, Ohio

I am a speech therapist and I work for a lovely private practice in Columbus. I have the best family and friends that anyone could ask for!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The dingo ate your baby!

Another action packed episode of Lost! Perhaps more enjoyable than the show itself, is the environment in which I watch!! A few of my good friends and I get together each week and eat dinner, hang out, and watch/discuss Lost together! This week was particularly enjoyable! We went to our friend Kate's house (as we do often) and she has a particularly emotionally unstable dog. To the naive, casual visitor you may think him to be cute and innocent... but be not fooled! He is calculating and manipulative. Last night, one of Kate's friends came to "Lost night" for the first time...yay!! She brought her 6 month old daughter with her (cute as a button I might add). The dog has some, shall we say, abandonment and replacement issues. He one, is afraid that Kate is going to leave him for another dog (or worse another human!) and two, is concerned that someone will come and into the house and assume a role more important than he. On this particular evening, the dog was feeling rather threatened by the 6 month old baby. This small creature may attempt to take Kate's attention away from him. Therefore, it is best if he stakes his claim on the baby before Kate has a chance. Yes, that's right folks, the dog tried to pee on the baby!!! Fortunately our friend Kegan was there to save the day!! Oh my goodness, that dog is an adventure! Now, to the matter at hand, Lost. The following are my questions about last evenings episode. I hope that you all enjoyed your Lost watching experience as much as I did.

1. Others: good guys or bad guys?

2. When the man came to talk to Ethan, I thought that it was "zeke" (the bearded guy who stole Walt), but then when they showed the man, he had no facial hair. However, towards the end of the episode, they found a fake beard and some glue... was the man infact "Zeke" and his whole vagrant fishmeran thing he's got going on is just a disguise?!

3. Were they saving the baby or infecting the baby?

4. The teenage girl: Alex, not Alex?

5. The survivors have only been on the island for about 2 months. Claire was taken, I believe, two weeks after they crashed. She was gone for about another 2 weeks. That would mean that it's only been a little over a month since she's been in the other hatch. So... a) why did the others leave the hatch and why did they abandon it so quickly? b) If the others left the hatch a month ago, why did it look like it had been abandon for year?

Happy deep thinking friends!! Have a great end of the week... and ladies, I think the we all learned a lesson in this past episode: Don't except drugs, knitting tools, or a nursery from slightly attractive but mostly creepy men, it will only end badly.


Blogger A. C. Mattern said...

The problem with Patches is that he behaves in a certain way to stave off abandonment, but doesn't realize that his behaviour just incourages his abandonment.

But onto L O S T.

1. Others... not quite sure yet, and I don't think we will really know until the writers decide to let us in on it. I'd like to hear the conversation between Clean Zeke and Ethan again. For awhile I thought there were two sets of others: Those who are working on the "project" and those trying to stop the project. I have two options at this point: Shift my paradigm, or assume there are evil/good twins on the island. Yeah, I like that idea. Black & White pieces on a backgammon board.

Or it's possible that the Others are playing both bad and good in order to manipulate out Losties. Ethan seemed like a real scizo and superhuman in past episodes, but he seemed caring this time around.

Possibly Clairs' memory can't be entirely trusted?

2. Good call on picking up Zeke's voice. I'm still wondering if the beard was a plant, in order to throw the survivors off.

3. Not sure... but I think the Others were trying to "save" the baby with the only way they know how.

4. Alex.

5. A couple of thoughts...

5.1 Something rather dramatic happened there (like an evacuation).

5.2 Claire is channeling someone elses memories.

5.3 It was done to confuse the Losties. Why take everything, yet leave the little booty.

Best part of the whole season: Eko taking the knife to his beard. Everyone in the room had a reaction, it was awesome.

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abandon Patches? Never. Lock him in the bathroom? Of course.

What he doesn't actually realize is that I am just as afraid that he will abandon me as he is that I will abandon him. That's matter how often I tried to avoid it, I now find myself in the midst of a co-dependent relationship. Who knew they could be so warm and cozy?

(Although, he doesn't pay rent and he does steal the covers...)

4:48 PM  
Blogger ashley kurz said...

my question is: did you see the symbols painted on the wall? they were the same as the ones that showed up in OUR hatch when locke let the timer run out...

9:33 PM  
Blogger A. C. Mattern said...

Really? I totally missed the heiroglyphics (which supposedly are translated as: cause to die).

This is just further evidence that L O S T requires a high definition TV, cable, and a stimulus-lite environment.

None of which are going to happen.

9:10 AM  
Blogger The everyday extraordinary said...

Good catch Ash!! I didn't notice that either.

6:55 PM  

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