The everyday extraordinary

To boldly put my thoughts where they've never been before...on a website for the whole world to see.

Location: Columbus, Ohio

I am a speech therapist and I work for a lovely private practice in Columbus. I have the best family and friends that anyone could ask for!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Just Kate"

When I was little, people used to call me Katie. At some point in my young life (I think I was 7 or 8), I decided that Katie was too immature sounding and I wanted to be called Kate. Apparently, when people would call me Katie, I would correct them by saying, "no, it's just Kate". Something about not wanting to be called Katie has stuck with me through the years. Today, I emailed one of my client's parents to give them some information. The mom emailed me back, "Katie, thanks for...". Kaite!! There is no 'i' in my name! It was spelled out at the end of the email I just sent you, 'Kate': K-A-T-E. Clearly, no 'i'!!! The best is when I am conferences and such and I am wearing a name tag and people look at my name tag and still proceed to call me Katie. Do, I just look like a Katie as opposed to Kate?? There is no real or rational reason for this to bug me, just one of my pet-peevs I guess.


Blogger Megan said...

Man, isn't it crazy what people will do with your name? I've had people who insisted on calling me "Meg" or spelling my name "Meghan." There's also tons of people now who think my last name is Storey. It is so irritating.

I'm glad that you're a Kate. It makes it easier for me when I'm telling stories because it's clear whether I'm talking about you or Katie Meyer.

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree!!! Only very specific perople get to call me Katie...namely, you better be a member of my family. (My grandfather still spells my name "Katy"...I haven't spelled it that way since I was 5!) If somebody who is not part of my family calls me Katie it's just weird. It's like, "Hey...just a can't call me that!! Who gave you the right?"

Side note: That's how I knew the forster kids were actually part of the family. I saw them at a family reunion 2 weeks ago and one of them came runnning up to me screaming, "Katie! Katie! Katie!" It was pretty official at that point!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Jim Jannotti said...

My mother called me Jimmy once. Once.

7:10 AM  

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