I love Tuesdays… well every other Tuesday, because I get to go home at 4:30!! Most days I don’t leave work until 6:00 or 6:30 and it’s so delightful to leave work when it’s light outside! On my home, every other Tuesday, I stop at Starbucks… by far the most delightful experience of my day. By the end of my day, I have seen 22 kids and I am exhausted! I drag myself from my car, across the parking lot, into Starbuck’s… tired and defeated from a hard day’s work. But, something magical happens when I leave. I now have the power of a grande caramel apple cider and suddenly I’m not tired anymore and I’m smiling and singing along to the radio and just generally happy. The more I think about it, I don’t think Starbucks is thriving because their coffee and other assorted beverages are so spectacular, but because there’s something about having a custom made, warm, beverage that restores energy and happiness to one’s life! My roommate Jessi and I have this reoccurring thought every time we go to Starbucks, that perhaps we should make a career change. I can picture it now… I would get wear a cute green apron, I wouldn’t have to bring my work home, and I would be the best part of my customers’ day! I spend a significant amount of my week with adolescents and I can guarantee you that I am NOT the best part of their day. I should note now, that this entry was interrupted because I had to have a phone conference with one of my adolescent client’s parents… seriously, Starbucks is looking really good right now!